SPA 440-EVO / SPA 550-EVO

Automatic Selective Soldering System

The EBSO SPA 440-EVO / SPA 550-EVO is an automatic selective soldering system with manual loading. Solder bath and solder pump is covered with nitrogen. Designed for automatic soldering of connectors, transformers, coils and other conventional components. Especially for applications which are not suitable for a wave soldering process or to automize hand soldering.

3_spa400nc 2_spa400nc


Solder Area 400 x 400 mm (440-EVO) // 510 x 510 mm (550-EVO)
3 axis CNC positioning system with Servo drives
FTP interface to Network
Digital Closed Loop control for N2 flow incl. Standby function to reduce Cost of Ownership
Wave Height control
Autom. Solder wire Feeder and solder level sensor
Flux Tank and flux Level monitoring
Control of all Processparameters
including monitoring functions
including maintenance and error messages
including password protection
Exhaust function monitor
Control lamp freely configurable
Operating state and Maintenance indicator (optional with wireless Network to PC)
Windows CE colour Display
Internal Data management for program storing
Glashood and Storing compartments
Softwareupdates via USB
ESD-Paint RAL 7035 (light gray) and RAL 7016 (anthracite)

Transport Angle
7° or 0°

Solder Area Options
Standard 400 x 400 // 510 x 510 mm

Solder Pot Features and Options
All Solderpots made of Titanium
Reliability at highest operational availability due to quick release
solder pump
Easy Change Pot system for lead and lead free production
Single solder pot with just 15 kg Solder capacity
Soldering over 2 Solder pots
Dual Solder nozzle for simultaneous soldering

Solder Nozzle Options
Max. clearance at solder side 40 mm
Wetable Nozzles 3 – 12 mm Inner Diameter
Jet Nozzles 5 – 60 mm
Wave Nozzle 300 mm
Special nozzles for Dipping process

Fluxer Options
Max. 4 Fluxers in any combination
Single Spray / Single Microdrop
Dual Spray / Dual Microdrop
Combination of Single or Dual Spray and Microdrop

Adjustable Preheaters
Convection line Preheater
IR Line or Area Preheater
Top Side IR Preheater

Further Options
Fluxer Spray test function
Witness colour Camera including TFT Monitor)
Barcode or DatamatrixCode with BDA (Traceability)

Offline Editor
including Photo Editing
or Import Functions